Friday, March 9, 2007

Sneak Peak....delay!

Sneak Peak Friday will be Sneak Peak Saturday this week.

Hope you all can hold out till tomorrow.

Happy Friday.


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Yesterday I had to call my Mom...

And tell her Captain America had died.

Me: Hey mom, I just wanted to be the one to tell you, so you didn't hear somewhere else first. Captain America died.

Mom: *Gasp!* No way! How?

Me: He was shot.

Mom: Well, he'll be back.

Me: Yeah, maybe. But the way Marvel is talking, maybe not.

Mom: Should we make armbands?

I won't quote the conversation Josh and I had about it. I like to keep things PG-13.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

What's On Your List? 3.07 edition

Hit the comments for mine.

No Buffy this week. Lame.

And, that other big thing that happened. Sigh.


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A bit late, better than never.

Originally uploaded by AlexGates.
A bit more history.

Orginally the strip was envisioned as a typical comic strip, like you would see in the paper. This is one of the panels of the first day. Josh had the idea to do the strip as a comic page, and we took it from there.

At some point I'll post the actual first strip, as it totally different than the opening.


Monday, March 5, 2007

Myspace - Josh 1

Originally uploaded by AlexGates.
Seriously, if you have a Myspace page, friend us.

We'll give you a cookie.


An Oddity by any other name.

Hopefully everyone's weekend was spent doing things you like, with people you enjoy.

The strip today is a bit of an oddity. It's our first real 'comic' strip. Yet it's the most recent strip I've scripted. How did such a thing happen? I'll explain (with pictures!) tomorrow.

For those of you how have not been to our myspace page (tsk tsk, link to it on the mainpage) I'll post a picture from that later today.

Happy Monday.
