Friday, March 2, 2007

Fry by Day.

So there you have it. The opening credits. The stage has been set.

I hope you enjoyed it. Next week has dialogue.

Here's a sneak peak:

Josh: Is that a monkey writing down next week’s comics?

Monkeys?!?! Fun stuff indeed.

See you Monday.


Thursday, March 1, 2007

Live in 3...2...

And there you have it. Our first strip. Day 1. One down...

Tune in tomorrow for a sneak peek at next week.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

What's on Your List? 2/28 Edition.

Hit the comments for mine.

Happy Wednesday everyone.

Our first strip hits tomorrow.

Fingers crossed.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Normally they scare me.

Today I’m thinking outside the box. My horizons have been expanded. My mind opened up to other possibilities. I am a new man.

What caused this change in my outlook? What event made me rethink my past ways and be open to the thinking that there is a different way to do things?

My Xbox 360.

I’ve played Pac-Man (and his Ms.) many times over the course of my life. From the stand up, to the sit down, to the home arcade, I’ve eaten my share of pellets. I watched the cartoon, I had the stickers, and I have taken the piece of pizza out and done the noise.

Now usually when I play I avoid the ghosts completely. Even when I can eat them I just use the time to eat more pellets and get to the end of the level. I’d rather see the next level than see the ghosts sent back to their pen to regenerate.

However today I am a changed man. I’ve been trying to eat ghosts. Making it my mission to chomp down on some wispy pixilated haunters.

What made me change my ways? 15 points.

All Ghosts: Eat all four ghosts in succession after eating a Power Pellet! 15 Points.

For those not familiar with Xbox 360-ness in each game you can get points for doing certain things. These are called Achievements. Lots are things you would normally do in each game (beat bosses, get past certain points) but some push you outside of the way you play the game. Make you think differently about the game you are playing.

So today I’m thinking outside the box. And there’s a small check next to something I had never done before.


Monday, February 26, 2007

A weekend of progression

With less than a week until our official launch date things are coming together nicely.

Josh came to visit on Saturday and we got some work done. We even updated our ‘tin can’ method of long distance communication, something that should make things easier as we progress.

Keep an eye on our Myspace page, as we’ll be putting different things on it as we go.

I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Happy Monday.
