Wednesday, April 11, 2007

W to the O with a Y and the L. 4.11 edition

You know the drill. Hit the comments for my list, feel free to post your own.

New promo stuff on the main site. There will be another new one tomorrow.

Next week is coming along well according to Josh. I need to fire up our new 11x17 scanner and make sure it is up to the task of being awesome.

Happy Wednesday.


1 comment:

Alex said...

52 WEEK #49
Wow. 49 already? Just 3 left? I’m not sure how I feel about countdown. I have not loved all the issues of 52, but it has been a consistently enjoyable read, and knowing that I have at least one book that will not totally suck each week has been nice. It will be missed.

This is the greatness referenced 2 spots down.

Flycatcher! Yay!

This is not on my list. It has been on/off for the last 3 issues, and I keep buying it anyway. The first mini-series was really a great read, but this one has been rather dull for some reason. Un_listed!

Oh man. Action.

LONERS #1 (OF 6)
I’m jazzed about this, mostly because I had a crush on Turbo. Go go New Warriors.

I can’t decide if I like the art in this or not. And I’m really confused by the timeline of this book and Fallen Son. So much so it’s causing me to make sure I don’t have a dead Captain America laying around too. You know. Just incase someone shows up here looking for him.

I need to pick up the annihilation trade at some point. I read parts of it online and enjoyed it. I’ve liked nova since New Warriors, so I’ll get the first few issues of this to see how it reads. Plus there’s a Nova/Speedball meeting in issue three.