Friday, April 6, 2007

Out the door.

Quick post today, I'm trying to get all my crap together for this weekend.

Sneak Peek:

Alex: It’s my turn!

Hartley: Bite me. You got to go first last time!

Have a good weekend.

I'll toast all our readers at our FiestaEaster.


Thursday, April 5, 2007


Originally uploaded by AlexGates.
Oh yes. It is as awesome on the inside as the cover implies. And there is a secret bit of awesome that I'll tell you about next week.

I'll have some interior scans Monday or Tuesday. The insides are literally too cool to digest. You may need medicine.

Tomorrow will be a short sneak peak, as I have a crap ton to do to get ready to meet with Josh and hit the Grindhouse. Saturday is Nerdtastic Card Game weekend part 2. Sunday is the FiestaEaster.

Monday back to the fun stuff.

Thursday Smurshday.


Wednesday, April 4, 2007

WOYL? 4.4 edition.

Hit the comments for mine, complete with commentary!

As always feel free to post your lists.

Tomorrow, a few Time Travel thoughts.

Also, the strip today looks kinda janky. That's my fault. Kinko's made me copy the strip instead of scanning it. Our new scanner shipped today, so I may be able to go back and clean up the scan a bit.


Tuesday, April 3, 2007


My visit to Kinkos earlier.

Me: Hi, I'd like to scan in this 11x17 art please.

Nice Lady Behind the Counter: Is this original art?

Me: Yes.

NLBC: Is it your art?

Me: Yes. Well, it's for my website. I'm the writer and my artist cohort drew it.

NLBC: So you didn't draw it?

Me: Uh, no.

NLBC: Well we have to have this copyright paperwork filled out by the artist.

And that's how I ended up fighting a copy machine to get the art re-sized, rather than paying the $9.95 for them to scan it in.

Hopefully our new scanner comes by Friday.

Happy Tuesday everyone.


Monday, April 2, 2007

Welcome back.

It seems as though we all survived Zombie week in one piece.

Fear not Zombie fans, Alan will return soon.

This week: A bit of Time Travel. Also we learn who really runs the store.

Other notes: Josh changed to 11x17 paper this week, so scanning things in with my not-11x17 scanner has been tricky. Thanks to the magic of the ebay, I have ordered a bigger scanner which will hopefully be here by next week.

Last night I watched the end of Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars on Sci-fi. Man I miss that show. I don't remember how I first heard of it, if I caught a random episode or if I just happened to get the first disc from Netflix, but once I started watching it I was a Farscape Fiend (FoF? Fiend of Farscape?). I would get a disc, watch all 4 episodes and have it back in the mail before the next time the postal officer graced my apartment building. It was good stuff. I have not gone back and watched those again, though I have a lot of them on DVD. I was physically ill when they just 'ended' the series, I literally could not bring myself to watch the end of it. But then the movie got announced and a real ending was to be had. Watching the very end of the series made the think back to the beginning. I may pop the first few episodes in later in the week.

This week: Grindhouse. Needless to say I'm excited and Amber is not. Thankfully I'll visiting Josh so we'll go catch it Friday night. I'm stoked. It has been fun to read interviews about the movie.

Also this week: I finally get around to ordering trades. Why this week? Because I have to spend money on Un-Fun things this week, so to balance out the universe I'm going to splurge on some Trade action.

I hope you all made it though April Fools in one piece.

Tomorrow: Random Links? Maybe. My goal for the week is to post something every day. We'll see how long that lasts.

Stay tuned.
