Thursday, March 15, 2007

Old School, New Look.

It's no secret I've been playing a lot of Xbox360. I have a post brewing about the Achievements you can get in those games, but today I have dusted off an older machine and plugged it into the front of my TV.

The trusty PS2.

This is actually the trusty PS2.1, as the trusty PS2 got old and busted. And as something old and busted usually does, it got donated to a friend.

So NewStation and I have had a falling out of late. We enjoyed bully when it came out, and we tried to get through FFXII, but only managed to get a few hours in. So it sat, under the tv, to be brought out when guests clamored for music but largely untouched.

Until earlier this week.

If you have picked up a comic or a magazine in the last few months you have seen the ads. There is a galaxy where things are roguish. But, even with this onslaught of media I did not look any further. It was, for that old dusty system, the one kicked back under the TV. But then Best Buy intervened. In its brightly lit aisle it showed me a glimpse, a mere few moments of playtime, and with that I was converted.

And so, 6 hours in, I can say this is the most enjoyable RPG I have played in a long while. And there are things I have just begun to see. It has a Pokemon type insect catching and raising, which then leads to a chess like game with your Insectors.

Oh it knows my nerd passions, and it sings to them, sweetly, in the dark. Under the TV, kicked to the back.


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