Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday Monday...

I am a tired man.

Over the course of the last few days I have managed to break/fix/rebreak/refix/re_super_break our website. My poor laptop has feared for it's life more than I care to relate.

But, thanks to not only the marvels of customer service, and my own steadfastness, the website appears to be stable and in working order.

So Welcome.

On the main site you will find our promotional image. On March first you will find the first of many strips.

In the coming days I will talk about our plans, treat you with some insight into the creative process, let you take a look at some early art, and ask: 'What's on YOUR list?'

Think of the main site as the dvd, and this blog as the behind the scenes extras.

So Welcome.

We hope your stay is pleasent.


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